As fraudsters employ increasingly sophisticated tactics, and as financial institutions continually upgrade and expand their products and services, FIs must adopt proactive approaches to identify vulnerabilities, assess their controls’ effectiveness, and compare their practices against industry peers. The intersection of red team testing and benchmarking in fraud prevention represents a strategic opportunity for organizations to leverage external tools and data sets and more effectively combat the ever-evolving tactics employed by fraudsters.
The insights provided in this report aim to guide FIs in developing more effective, adaptive, and customer-centric fraud prevention strategies. This report leverages anonymized data and analysis provided to Datos Insights by Greenway Solutions, also known as The Fraud Red Team, offering insights into the challenges faced by financial services firms in the rapidly evolving fraud landscape. The findings are further augmented by Datos Insights’ comprehensive ongoing research on fraud trends within the industry.
Clients of Datos Insights’ Fraud & AML service can download this report.
This report mentions Greenway Partners.
About the Author
Jim Mortensen
Jim Mortensen is a Strategic Advisor in Datos Insights’s Fraud & AML practice, covering identity, fraud, and data security issues. Jim has been in the financial services industry for over 30 years, delivering fraud prevention, identity verification, and credit underwriting solutions to top-tier financial institutions both domestically and internationally. Through his experience in the industry, he has developed a substantial...