
Mortgage Lending 2.0: Upgrading the Borrower Experience

Thirty-four percent of consumers said that the speed and ease of the loan approval process were most important.

The mortgage lending landscape is transforming significantly, driven by shifting consumer preferences, technological advancements, and demographic changes. As digital natives like millennials become a larger share of homebuyers, lenders must adapt their strategies to meet evolving expectations for convenience, transparency, and personalized service. At the same time, traditional factors such as competitive pricing and lender reputation remain critical in the high-stakes decision of choosing a mortgage provider.

This report provides valuable insights into the key drivers of lender choice, preferred application channels, and satisfaction with various aspects of the mortgage process. It is based on a Datos Insights Q1 2024 study among 4,634 consumers in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K.

Clients of Datos Insights’ Retail Banking & Payments service can download this report.

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