February 28, 2023 – 金融機関は、ビジネスに活用できる様々なデータが増加していることを認識しており、社内データの効果的な活用のため、外部データと組み合わせるアプローチを増やしている。金融業界の様々な分野でデータ分析の結果が重要視されるから、データの正確性やデータ分析手法など「データの質の向上」がIT部門の重要課題となってきた。そこでは「データ可視化ツール」も重要な役割を担っている。
弊社 Community Banking service をご契約のお客様は、本レポートをダウンロード頂けます。
本稿では、Adaptive Planning, ChartBlocks, Cluvio, Datawrapper, Domo, Dundas BI, FusionCharts, Google, Highcharts, IBM, Looker, Microsoft, Qlik, Salesforce, SAS, Sisense, Spotfire, Tableau, TeamMate, Visually, Yellowfin, Whatagraph に言及している。
About the Author
Mitch Wein
Mitch Wein is an Executive Principal in the Insurance Practice at Datos Insights. He has expertise in international IT leadership and transformation as well as technology strategy for banking, insurance (life, annuities, personal, commercial, specialty), and wealth management. Prior to joining Datos Insights, Mitch served in senior technology management positions at numerous financial institutions. At Bankers Trust (now Deutsche Bank), he automated...
Other Authors
Aisha Chandraker
Aisha Chandraker is a Senior Associate in Datos Insights' Retail Banking & Payments practice. She supports consulting projects and creates research reports. She also supports the Retail Banking & Payments Executive Council. She has previously worked in Community Banking, Financial Services CIO/CTO Advisory, and Insurance at Datos Insights. Prior to joining the firm, she worked in immigration law. She has...