April 20, 2023 – グローバル規模で小売り事業を展開する企業は、激しい競争環境の下、ペイメント・アクセプタンスを効率化することで、収益の最大化を目指している。その実現のためには、各国毎に異なる顧客チャネル/支払い方法/レギュレーション等に対応する必要がある。
弊社 Retail Banking and Payments service をご契約のお客様は、本レポートをダウンロード頂けます。
About the Author
Ron van Wezel
Ron van Wezel is a Strategic Advisor in Retail Banking & Payments for Datos Insights, providing research and advisory services to clients globally. His coverage includes payments, open banking, and digital transformation. Ron is a renowned expert in payments and digital banking. He brings to Datos Insights over 30 years of experience in product development and innovation, advising clients on a...
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Thad Peterson
Thad Peterson is a Strategic Advisor with Datos Insights, focusing on the evolution of the payment space, the customer payment experience, and merchant acquiring. Recognized as a global thought leader in payments, Thad has a proven track record of identifying and developing new opportunities and technologies in payments and financial services. He has relevant expertise in applying customer behavior to...