人類の歴史を通じ、技術の飛躍的な進歩が文明の行く末に大きな影響を与えたケースが多数存在する。生成 AI もこのような事例となる可能性が高い。すでに金融犯罪者の有力なツールとして利用が増大する一方、リスク管理の分野でも不可欠なテクノロジーとなっている。
本レポートでは、生成 AI の歴史に触れるとともに、金融犯罪における敵味方双方のAI活用に加え、世界各国の規制当局が生成 AI や AI 全般をどのように規制しようと考えているかをまとめた。執筆にあたっては、生成 AI に関するソリューション・プロバイダーや不正防止分野の専門家へのインタビューを実施した他、金融機関や金融ソリューション・ベンダーを対象とした各種調査の結果と弊社アナリストの知見を活用した。
弊社 Fraud & AML service をご契約のお客様は、本レポートをダウンロード頂けます。
本レポートでは、Amazon, Anthropic, DataVisor, Featurespace, Google, IBM, Inflection, Lucinity, Meta, Microsoft, OpenAI, SymphonyAI, WorkFusion, X に言及しています。
About the Author
Jim Mortensen
Jim Mortensen is a Strategic Advisor in Datos Insights’s Fraud & AML practice, covering identity, fraud, and data security issues. Jim has been in the financial services industry for over 30 years, delivering fraud prevention, identity verification, and credit underwriting solutions to top-tier financial institutions both domestically and internationally. Through his experience in the industry, he has developed a substantial...
Other Authors
Gabrielle Inhofe
Gabrielle Inhofe is a Senior Associate with Datos Insights’s Fraud & AML team. Her primary interests include cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence, and EU policy. Prior to joining Datos Insights, Gabrielle worked in Strategy and Global Regulations at cybersecurity company OneSpan, where she wrote the 2022 Global Financial Regulations Report. Gabrielle has a Masters in Advanced European and International Studies from the...
Trace Fooshee
Trace Fooshee is a Strategic Advisor in the Fraud & AML practice at Datos Insights, covering fraud and data security issues. Trace has been leading business transformation initiatives for over 20 years. He started his professional career in Singapore, where he focused on delivering process automation solutions for banking and securities clients by way of workflow and document management-based transformations....