February 16, 2023 – BNPL 利用の割合はまだ小さいが、過去3年間、劇的に成長していることも事実である。この急激な成長は、金融犯罪や規制リスクの観点からも注目すべき動向であり、リスク管理部門やコンプライアンス部門は、BNPL の動向に注意を向ける必要がある。
本レポートでは、BNPL 市場と同サービスを提供/活用している企業を概観するとともに、BNPLと金融不正/AML/各種金融規制等に関する課題をまとめた。執筆にあたっては、金融機関やベンダーの金融不正防止分野の専門家にインタビューするとともに、公開情報も参照した。
弊社 Fraud & AML service をご契約のお客様は、本レポートをダウンロード頂けます。
本稿では、Affirm, Afterpay, Barclays, Chase, HSBC, Klarna, NatWest に言及している。
About the Author
Jim Mortensen
Jim Mortensen is a Strategic Advisor in Datos Insights’s Fraud & AML practice, covering identity, fraud, and data security issues. Jim has been in the financial services industry for over 30 years, delivering fraud prevention, identity verification, and credit underwriting solutions to top-tier financial institutions both domestically and internationally. Through his experience in the industry, he has developed a substantial...
Other Authors
Chuck Subrt
Charles (Chuck) Subrt is the Director of Datos Insights' Fraud & AML practice, and he covers anti-money laundering and compliance issues. Chuck brings 20 years of legal and compliance experience and a deep expertise advising business leaders, driving change, and establishing strong, self-sustaining AML and financial crime compliance and risk management programs at a global financial services company. For the past 10 years, Chuck led multiple compliance functions for Sun...
Gabrielle Inhofe
Gabrielle Inhofe is a Senior Associate with Datos Insights’s Fraud & AML team. Her primary interests include cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence, and EU policy. Prior to joining Datos Insights, Gabrielle worked in Strategy and Global Regulations at cybersecurity company OneSpan, where she wrote the 2022 Global Financial Regulations Report. Gabrielle has a Masters in Advanced European and International Studies from the...