
Fraud and AML Guide to Enterprise LLM Solutions: Selection Factors and Leading Providers

LLMs are rapidly transforming how businesses across industries interact with data and leverage AI.

For banks and credit unions, LLMs present a powerful opportunity to automate and enhance key operations. As the market for enterprise-grade LLM solutions evolves, FIs face myriad choices from established tech giants, specialized AI startups, and open-source offerings. Selecting the right LLM vendor is critical to ensuring the model’s capabilities align with banks’ specific needs around performance, accuracy, data privacy, and security.

This report provides an overview of the prominent LLM providers and examines the offerings and differentiated capabilities of these solutions. It is designed to assist fraud and AML executives with creating shortlists of potential providers based on solution details. The vendor profiles are based on publicly available information and responses to survey questions when possible.

This report profiles the following vendors: AI21, Anthropic, AWS, BLOOM, Cohere, Google,, Hugging Face, IBM, Meta, Microsoft, Mistral AI, and OpenAI.

Clients of Datos Insights’ Fraud & AML service can download this report.

This report mentions AI21, Anthropic, AWS, BLOOM, Cohere, Google,, Hugging Face, IBM, Meta, Microsoft, Mistral AI, and OpenAI.

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