
Top 10 Trends in Institutional Securities & Investments, 2020: Entering the Tumultuous Twenties

Sell-side and buy-side firms need to cut the window dressing and address the underlying problems that impede efficiency.

London, 9 January 2020 – Portents of a global economic slowdown are ever-present as large investment banks continue to cut staff and retrench, and asset managers face the prospects of ever-decreasing revenue and plummeting fees. Meanwhile, the rise of populism across the globe indicates that there may be trouble ahead in terms of cross-border cooperation, which stands in conflict with an increasingly global capital markets landscape. To survive in this tough climate, sell-side and buy-side firms need to double down on their investments to transform their operations. But technology alone won’t solve these firms’ woes; the success or failure of “digital transformation” will hinge on their ability to address the rather mundane aspects of operational governance and data management.

This 24-page Impact Report contains four figures. Clients of Aite Group’s Institutional Securities & Investments service can download this report and the corresponding charts.

This report mentions BlackRock, Bloomberg, BNP Paribas, Caceis, Duco, Dynamo Software, Electra, Essentia Analytics, Glue42, Goldman Sachs, Gresham, IHS Markit, Intercontinental Exchange, London Stock Exchange Group, Mercatus, MRI, Refinitiv, RobecoSAM, Vista Equity Partners, Watson Wheatley, XTX Markets, and Yardi.

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