
The Bull’s-Eye on the Financial Transaction: Keeping the Fraudsters in the Crosshairs

New methods to detect fraud must be considered when selecting a transaction-level fraud solution.

Boston, August 11, 2020 – Fraudsters have followed consumers into the digital age and have exploited weaknesses in these systems. But a variety of commercial solutions offer ways to tell valid transactions from fraudulent ones. They are the backbone of nearly all financial institutions’ and a growing number of merchants’ efforts to protect themselves against financial loss.

This report examines the newer technologies emerging to finely tune FIs’ and merchants’ ability to increase fraud detection and minimize false transaction declines. It is based on Aite Group’s close monitoring of the fraud prevention industry and the many solution providers around the world as well as on conversations with financial institutions, merchants, and other industry participants that deploy these solutions.

This 28-page Impact Report contains three figures and eight tables. Clients of Aite Group’s Fraud & AML service can download this report, the corresponding charts, and the Executive Impact Deck.

This report mentions Accertify, ACI Worldwide, Apruvd, Asseco SEE Group, BAE Systems, Bleckwen, Bolt, Bottomline Technologies, Brighterion, ClearSale, CyberSource, DataVisor, Experian, Eye4Fraud, Featurespace, Feedzai, FICO, Forter,, Fraugster, GBG, IBM, INFORM, Kount, NetGuardians, NICE Actimize, NoFraud, OneSpan, Oracle, Pelican, Precognitive, Ravelin, RevenueStream, RISK IDENT, Riskified, SAS, Sift, Signifyd, Simility, Subuno, ThetaRay, Vesta, and XTN.

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