April 27, 2022 – Human trafficking, child exploitation, and elder abuse exploits the less fortunate, destitute, and vulnerable. These offenses victimize men, women, and children of all ages and from all backgrounds and regions worldwide. No one is safe. The Knoble calls these crimes of human exploitation “human crime.” With its core “awaken, equip, and deploy” strategic mission, The Knoble seeks a world where no one is enslaved or abused and where good people are awakened to the noble cause of protecting the vulnerable.
This report explores the gravity of human crime and spotlights the story of The Knoble, a nonprofit organization dedicated to build, educate, and inspire a network of financial crime and services professionals fighting crimes of human exploitation. This report was based upon desk research, interviews and discussions with the leaders of The Knoble, and other insights gathered from literature provided by The Knoble.
This 20-page Impact Report contains six figures and three tables. Clients of Aite-Novarica Group’s Fraud & AML service can download this report and the corresponding charts.
This report mentions Red Compass Labs and Scotiabank.
About the Author
Chuck Subrt
Charles (Chuck) Subrt is the Director of Datos Insights' Fraud & AML practice, and he covers anti-money laundering and compliance issues. Chuck brings 20 years of legal and compliance experience and a deep expertise advising business leaders, driving change, and establishing strong, self-sustaining AML and financial crime compliance and risk management programs at a global financial services company. For the past 10 years, Chuck led multiple compliance functions for Sun...