
Refresh Your Payment Card Industry Compliance With Automated Redaction

Automated data redaction targets a growing volume of unstructured data and could reduce organizations’ PCI scope.

Boston, January 15, 2020It’s been more than 15 years since the first version of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) arrived on the scene to set requirements for processing, storing, transmitting, and disposing of credit card and debit card information, and several iterations of PCI requirements have been established since. Proposed 2020 changes to the PCI standard and the introduction of new tools and technologies offer organizations an opportunity to refresh their PCI strategies, reduce PCI scope, and unlock the value of cardholder data.

This Impact Brief identifies upcoming proposed changes to the DSS and highlights PKWARE’s data redaction capability. It is based on the author’s experience assisting several large merchants and processors in attaining PCI compliance and rolling out successful PCI strategies as well as Aite Group’s interviews with chief information security officers, PCI qualified security assessors, and a key decision-maker at a large financial services organization conducted during Q4 2019.

Clients of Aite Group’s Cybersecurity service can download this eight-page Impact Brief. To learn more about the topic covered in this Impact Brief, please contact us at [email protected].

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