
Key Trends Driving FI Fraud Investments in 2020 and Beyond

Over three-quarters of FI respondents indicate that the customer experience is a very important consideration in fraud detection.

Boston, November 20, 2019 – Fraud is constantly morphing and evolving. Fraud executives have to manage attacks from individual fraudsters as well as organized criminal rings, and meanwhile, the strategic focus of many financial institutions on improving the customer experience has had a big impact on several of the fraud department’s duties. Fraud executives must take advantage of new technologies when they become available in order to handle everything going on in the world of fraud today.

This Impact Report examines current fraud trends in FIs as reported by attendees of Aite Group’s annual Financial Crime Forum in September 2019. The 30 executives from U.S. FIs that Aite Group surveyed at the event provide insights concerning current strategies, challenges, and pain points as well as fraud loss trends.

This 26-page Impact Report contains 20 figures and one table. Clients of Aite Group’s Fraud & AML service can download this report, the corresponding charts, and the Executive Impact Deck.

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