Risk Insights and Advisory Fintech Spotlight レポートは、不正防止/AML/サイバーセキュリティ分野の新興各社を厳選してご紹介する四半期毎のレポート・シリーズである。今回はフィンテック企業7 社(Arctic Intelligence、Guardz、Kharon、Nametag、Query、Veriff、WorkFusion)を取り上げた。
弊社 Cybersecurity service 或いは Fraud & AML service をご契約のお客様は、本レポートをダウンロード頂けます。
About the Author
Gabrielle Inhofe
Gabrielle Inhofe is a Senior Associate with Datos Insights’s Fraud & AML team. Her primary interests include cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence, and EU policy. Prior to joining Datos Insights, Gabrielle worked in Strategy and Global Regulations at cybersecurity company OneSpan, where she wrote the 2022 Global Financial Regulations Report. Gabrielle has a Masters in Advanced European and International Studies from the...