
Intelligent Text Ingestion: Overview and Prominent Providers


November 2020 – This report provides an overview of intelligent text ingestion software and profiles 17 vertical and horizontal industry solution providers that offer technology solutions for unstructured text extraction, classification, and related tools. Tools for identifying, extracting, and processing semi-structured and unstructured text have proliferated in recent years. Several such tools now exist in both insurance-specific and horizontal forms. Many insurers use them to tackle heavily manual processes in new business applications, loss runs, exposure data, and claims.

As these solutions evolve, they are also providing benefits beyond ingestion, including handwriting recognition, data enrichment, and uses to automate and modernize entire workflows.

Providers profiled include AWS, ABBYY, ACORD, Automation Hero, Chisel AI, Cinnamon AI, Coforge, CogniSure, Convr, Friendly, Google, Groundspeed Analytics, Hyperscience, Intellect SEEC, Microsoft, omni:us, and Vidado.

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