
Health Benefit Accounts Market Forecast: Close-Up on FSAs and HRAs

Health saving accounts are on track to eclipse or outright cannibalize flexible spending accounts’ market prevalence.

Boston, November 21, 2019 – Tax-advantaged HBAs have become an essential part of efforts to mitigate healthcare expenses by both employers and employees in the U.S. As we look ahead, the tides of high growth that have been the hallmark of tax-advantaged HBAs continue, albeit at slightly tempered rates compared to past years’ projections. With HSAs holding the reins when it comes to account and payment volume growth, will FSAs and HRAs remain the bread and butter of HBAs?

This report provides a market forecast and outlook for the consumer-driven health market and sizes tax-advantaged HBAs, with a close-up on FSAs and HRAs, estimating account growth, payment volume, and breakdowns by payment types. It is based on Q2 2019 Aite Group interviews with 52 U.S. executives across industry players.

This 33-page Impact Report contains 21 figures and five tables. Clients of Aite Group’s Health Insurance service can download this report, the corresponding charts, and the Executive Impact Deck.

This report mentions Basic, Benefit Source, BlueCross, ConnectYourCare, HealthEquity, Total Administrative Services Corporation (TASC), WageWorks, WEX (or WEX Health), and Zenefits.

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