
FI Fraud Investigations: Day-to-Day Operations

As fraud attacks continue to increase in sophistication, fraud investigators are more important than ever to recover the funds for financial institutions.  

January 11, 2022 – In a world where fraud incidents are increasingly sophisticated and creative, more and more of the burden of keeping losses low is falling on the fraud investigations unit. With the primary emphasis on fraud detection and prevention in most financial institutions, investigators must take on the difficult job of trying to recover funds after they’ve been stolen and possibly prosecute the criminals who stole the money.

This Impact Report examines the world of fraud investigations from an operational perspective; it describes what financial services firms in the U.S. and Canada use for hiring criteria, training methods for new investigators, performance metrics, and many other factors. The report is based on the data gathered through an online survey completed by executives in 29 financial services firms, the majority of which are banks, followed by credit unions as well as brokerage and insurance companies.

This 31-page Impact Report contains 21 figures and one table. Clients of Aite-Novarica Group’s Fraud & AML service can download this report and the corresponding charts.

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