This report builds upon the previous analysis of the emerging registered independent advisors (RIAs) market set out in last year’s report. While the previous report focused on strategic priorities of firms with less than US$100 million in assets under management (AUM), this report expands the analysis to cohorts representing US$100 million or more.
The objective of this report is to identify specific inflection points in challenges and strategic priorities for these growing firms. This report is based on responses to the Datos Insights’ 2024 Advisor Survey with 436 total participants. The insights for this report were evaluated from a subgroup that included 100 participants who responded that they were in the RIA channel.
Clients of Datos Insights’ Wealth Management service can download this report.
This report mentions Covisum, eMoney, Envestnet, IncomeConductor, Income Discovery, Income Lab, Morningstar, NewRetirement, and ReferMe IQ.
About the Author
Lisa Asher
Lisa Asher, CFA, is a Strategic Advisor for the Wealth Management practice at Datos Insights, focusing on investment management and digital wealth management. Prior to joining Datos Insights, Lisa was a Senior Manager at F2 Strategy, where she assisted RIAs and broker-dealers in leveling up their digital client experiences and understanding where the market is headed next. With a keen...