
Digital Transformation in P&C Insurance: Current Benchmark and Future Roadmap

Improving the customer experience is the top digital transformation objective for P&C insurance firms.

Boston, January 29, 2020 –As the P&C landscape shifts and consumers begin to demand similar experiences to those of other industries (such as Amazon in retail), P&C insurance firms are faced with some decisions about how to structure their operations to meet these new demands. The past few years have seen the emergence of numerous tools and technologies that can help firms in their digital transformations. Are these tools being used or merely considered?

This Impact Report is based on an online Aite Group survey—conducted in partnership with SVIA—of 48 insurance carriers, brokers, and agencies globally in Q2 2019. Of these 48 respondents, 19 represented the P&C space, and these responses are the focus of this report.

This 40-page Impact Report contains 27 figures and one table. Clients of Aite Group’s P&C Insurance service can download this report, the corresponding charts, and the Executive Impact Deck.

This report mentions Amazon, Metromile, Trov, Slice Labs, and SVIA.

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