
Dawn of a New Era: ESG Integration Into Wealth Management

ESG challenges and opportunities are poised to shape the future of the global wealth management industry.

Boston, February 16, 2021 – The global wealth management industry, overall, experienced a good year in 2020, and sustainable investing took a giant leap forward. Many consumer surveys in the market report that individual investors are interested in investing for positive impact, and Aite Group projects even faster growth in sustainable investing as private clients accelerate their transition to investments with thematic or impact goals.

This report shares data and insights on investment decisions, areas of focus, return expectations, challenges, trends, and, of course, opportunities in this rapidly evolving space. It is based on Aite Group’s in-depth interviews with chief executive officers or executive managers of 14 global organizations—wealth managers, rating agencies, specialized data providers, and core private banking providers. The report also briefly profiles select innovators in this space: Fidelity Investments, First Affirmative Financial Network, Morgan Stanley, and Standard Chartered Private Bank.

This 32-page Impact Report contains eight figures and one table. Clients of Aite Group’s Wealth Management service can download this report, the corresponding charts, and the Executive Impact Deck.

This report mentions Arabesque, Avaloq, BlackRock, Bloomberg, CDP, Clarity AI, FactSet, Fidelity Investments, Finantix, First Affirmative Financial Network, FIS, Folio, Formuesforvaltning, Global Sustainable Investment Alliance, Goldman Sachs, Impaakt, Institutional Shareholder Services, J. Safra Sarasin, Moody’s, Morgan Stanley, Morningstar, MSCI, Nuveen, Physis Investment, Refinitiv, RepRisk, S&P Global, Standard Chartered Private Bank, Sustainalytics Rating Agency, Temenos, Trucost, Truvalue Labs, Union Bancaire Privee, US SIF, and Vigeo Eiris.

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