
Datos Insights Underwriting Ecosystem Map for P/C Insurers

No two insurer ecosystems are the same, but they all have common characteristics.

The Datos Insights Underwriting Ecosystem Map for P/C Insurers is a reference model for an insurer’s business applications and technologies that provide capabilities beyond core system functionality. Ecosystems are rapidly expanding, and this framework is intended to assist technology teams, business teams, and vendors in sharing a common understanding of these solutions.

This report provides an overview of the underwriting ecosystems map and a high-level look at the major functionalities of each of its components. It represents Datos Insights’ thought leadership developed through direct experience, research, and conversations with hundreds of carriers and vendors in North America. This report is not intended to provide an exhaustive list of every solution provider in the insurance ecosystem but rather to give examples of solution providers in each ecosystem component.

Clients of Datos Insights’ Property & Casualty service can download this report.

This report mentions [x]cube LABS, 360Globalnet, ABBYY, ACI, ACORD, Acxiom, Adapt Ready, Ajira Software LLC, Amazon, Amsive, Applied Systems, Appulate, Arity, At-Bay, ATTOM, Augury, Automated & Management Solutions, Automation Hero, Avaamo, Avatour, AWS, Azuba, Bankable, Betterview, Bill It Now, Bold Penguin, bolt, Broker Buddha, Cambridge Mobile Telematics, CAPE Analytics, CCC, Chase, Checkbook, Cincom Systems, Cinnamon AI, Coforge, CogniSure, Commerce Bank, Companion Data Services, Convr, CoreLogic, Covenir, Crawford (WeGoLook), DAIS, Daisy Intelligence, Data Axle, DDI Technology, DroneBase, DTN, Dun & Bradstreet, EagleView, EarthDefine, Ebix, Ecopia, Environics Analytics, EPI Marketing Services, ESRI, Excalibur Direct Marketing, EXIGIS LLC, Experian, Experlogix, Explore Information Services, EZLynx, Fenris Digital, FIS, Fiserv, ForMotiv, FRISS, GhostDraft, Google, Gradient AI, Groundspeed Analytics, Guidewire, HERE, Hi Marley, Hyland, Hyperscience, IAA, IBM, IMS, InfoSend Northeast, Input 1, InsCipher, Insuratek LLC, InsureZone, Insurity, IntellectAI, Invoice Cloud, iPipeline, JLS Mailing Services, Kespry, KUBRA, Leakbot, LenderDock, LeO, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, Librestream, Lightbox, Livegenic, Long Group Consultants, Loqate, LossExpress, Loveland Innovations, Lytx, Majesco, MassPrinting, Melissa, Merkle, Messagepoint, Microsoft, Mitchell, MPX, Munich Re, Nearmap, Nexus Insurance Solutions, Notion, Nuance, O’Brien Corporation, Octo Telematics, omni:us, One Inc., OpenText, Oracle, OSG, Parsyl, Paymentus, PayNearMe, Perr&Knight, Pinpoint Predictive, Planck, Precisely, PremiumWare Inc., Price Digests, Professional Mail Services, Inc, Pypestream, Quadient, Quantexa, Quantum Integrated Systems, Quomation, QuotePro, R.R. Donnelley, Risk Control Technologies Inc., RMS, Roost,, S&P, Safehub, SAS, Semsee, Shift Technology, Simple Solutions Computer Group, LLC, SimpliSafe, Smart Communications, Smarty, Solartis, Sovos, Spixii, SS&C, Swiss Re, Symphony AI, Talage, Thomson Reuters, Top Down Systems, TowerIQ, Transcard, TransUnion, TrustFlow Digital Solutions, Twilio, U.S. Census Bureau, Understory, UrbanStat, Verisk, Vertafore, vHive, Visual Software LLC,, and Zywave.

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