
Commercial Loan Origination: Sharpening the Tip of the Spear

Banks that don’t adopt CLO automation will be in competitive peril relative to those that do.

Boston, November 27, 2019 โ€“ Business lending is so valued by corporate clients that, like the tip of a spear, it creates the entry point to a business and allows FIs to cross-sell far more profitable services. But before all that terrific cross-selling can happen, commercial loans must be originated, and therein lies the rub. Commercial loan origination gives rise to processes that, in the absence of automation, are costly, labor intensive, loss inducing, andโ€”most importantlyโ€”off-putting for borrowers.

This report explores some of the key trends within the CLO market and examines how technology is evolving to address new market needs and challenges. It leveragesย a variety of data sources, including conversations between the author and users of CLO systems, briefings on systems in the market, and demonstrations of these systems.ย 

This 20-page Impact Report contains four figures and eight tables. Clients of Aite Group’s Wholesale Banking & Payments service can download this report, the corresponding charts, and the Executive Impact Deck.

This report mentions Abrigo, Axe Finance, Baker Hill, Finastra, FIS, Global Wave Group, Intellect Design Arena, Jack Henry & Associates, Kuliza, Linedata, Moody’s Analytics, nCino, Newgen Software, Nucleus Software, Oracle, and Q2.

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