How to Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy: Insights for Women in Leadership

A significant obstacle to success can be our own internal mindset and behaviors.

As women in leadership roles, we often face unique challenges in our career journeys. While external barriers certainly exist, a significant obstacle can be our own internal mindset and behaviors. I hosted the most recent Datos Insights Women’s Network meeting on the topic of how to stop being your own worst enemy, which offered insights on how women can overcome internal barriers and reach their full potential as leaders.

Our panel included Traci Ducceschi (Director of Planning and Project Management, Penn National Insurance), Shilynn Francisco (VP of Information Systems, Farm Bureau Insurance Company of Idaho), and Deb Zawisza (Senior Principal, Datos Insights). The discussion focused on strategies for building confidence, promoting oneself effectively, and creating supportive networks to propel career growth.

The Trap of Self-Doubt

One of the key themes that emerged was the prevalence of self-doubt and lack of confidence among women leaders. Survey results shared during the webinar showed that lack of confidence and self-doubt were seen as major factors holding women back in their careers. This can manifest in various ways:

  • Hesitating to apply for roles or promotions unless we feel 100% qualified
  • Not speaking up or sharing ideas in meetings
  • Downplaying our accomplishments
  • Perfectionism and overworking to “prove” ourselves

As one panelist noted, men are much more likely to throw their hat in the ring for a role even if they only meet some of the qualifications. Women, on the other hand, often talk themselves out of opportunities due to impostor syndrome or feeling like they aren’t ready.

The panelists emphasized the importance of leaning into discomfort and being willing to take on new challenges, even if we don’t feel fully prepared. Growth and learning happen when we push ourselves outside our comfort zones. They also stressed the need to be more vocal about our accomplishments and contributions, rather than waiting to be noticed.

The Power of Relationships and Support

Another key theme was the importance of building strong relationships and support networks. This includes:

  • Finding mentors and sponsors who can advocate for you
  • Developing allies across the organization, both men and women
  • Supporting and amplifying other women
  • Being willing to take chances on other women and give them opportunities

The panelists noted that women often excel at relationship-building, which can be leveraged as a leadership strength. They also emphasized the need for women leaders to consciously support and uplift other women, rather than seeing them as competition.

Reframing “Failure” and Building Resistance

Fear of failure was identified as another major internal barrier for many women. The panelists offered some helpful reframes:

  • See “failures” as learning opportunities and chances for growth
  • Focus on moving forward rather than dwelling on mistakes
  • Recognize that not everything is in our control
  • Give ourselves the same grace we extend to others

They suggested that women often have an overly harsh definition of failure compared to men. Learning to distance ourselves from setbacks and focus on solutions can help build resilience.

The webinar offered a wealth of actionable insights for women looking to overcome self-sabotaging behaviors and reach their leadership potential. By building self-awareness, leaning into discomfort, leveraging our strengths, and supporting one another, we can stop being our own worst enemies and become the leaders we’re meant to be.

Have Confidence

The key takeaway? Have confidence in your abilities, don’t be afraid to promote yourself and your accomplishments, and remember – you wouldn’t be where you are if you didn’t deserve it.

Our next Datos Insights Women’s Network virtual meeting will take place on September 25 at 11am ET and will be the first of a three-part Leadership Development Series. The first Leadership Development meeting will focus on Emerging to Developing Leaders and will be facilitated by Datos Insights Senior Principal Deb Zawisza. For more information on the Datos Insights Women’s Network visit our website.