
Web Application and API Protection (WAAP): Market Landscape and Product Deep Dive

WAAPs are disrupting WAF and API security markets.

WAAP is rapidly gaining market share as companies move from individual product solutions that address distributed denial of service (DDoS) prevention, bot protection, and web application firewalls (WAF) to an integrated tech stack with purpose-built capabilities to combat web-targeted attacks, including malicious bots, denial of service attacks, application compromises, and API assaults. The WAAP solution market is undergoing rapid change that may affect current and future WAAP vendors.

This report combines first-hand research on leading WAAP products and market size and secondary research on market drivers, standards, and product capabilities. Datos Insights reviewed 30 WAAP solution vendors from February through June 2023 to gain a broader market perspective of vendors, investments, and market trajectory. This report profiles the following vendors: Check Point, F5, Imperva, and Radware.

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This report mentions Akamai Technologies, Alibaba Cloud,, Apigee, AT&T Cybersecurity, Avanan, Avi Networks, AWS, Barracuda Networks, Camouflage, CDNetworks, Citrix, Systems, Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), Cloudbric, Cloudflare, CloudVector, Continent 8 Technologies, Covelight Systems, Cymplify, Datadog, Defense.Net Inc., DenyAll, Distil Networks, Dome9, Edgio, Fastly, ForceNock Security Ltd., Fortinet, GoDaddy, Google Cloud, Incapsula, Indusface, Instart Logic, jSonar, L7 Defense, LinkedIn, Microsoft, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Neosec, NSFOCUS, Odo Security, Open-Appsec, Optus, OWASP, Palo Alto Networks, Payment Card Industry, Penta Security Systems, Polaris Infosec, Prevoty, Prophaze Technologies, Protego, Rapid7, Reblaze, Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity, Salesforce, Seculert, SecurityDAM, Seekret, Shape Security Inc., ShieldSquare, Signal Sciences, Skyfence, Spectral, Stranglehop Networks, Sucuri, Inc., Texas Department of Insurance, Thoma Bravo, Threat Stack Inc., ThreatX, T-Mobile, Tomium Software, Total Specific Solutions, Twitter, UBIKA, VMware Inc., Volterr Inc., and

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