Tuesday, December 5, 2023 | 10:00 a.m. ET

The Future State of Global OMS


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Regardless of asset class or regional trading nuance, sell side firms are all staring down a technological fork in the road with respect to front office innovation as they seek to maintain or develop a trading edge in an increasingly competitive global market.

Datos Insights and Broadridge partnered to look at the future state of global OMS and conducted a survey targeting senior technology executives and trading decision makers at sell side institutions with global footprints.

Join Datos Insights Strategic Advisor Colby Jenkins and Broadridge Head of Product Shantanu Goyal for this webinar where they’ll discuss the results of the survey and delve deeper into the topic of global OMS.

Learning outcomes:

  • The current state of play for global OMS solutions
  • Key functionalities these systems must bring to the table
  • Top challenges and customer needs
  • Where to focus and capture opportunities
  • Regional nuances and commonalities across markets