Thursday, March 23, 2023 | 1:00 p.m. ET

Mission Possible: Achieving a Winning Balance between Fraud Prevention and Customer Experience

Fighting fraud is not just an investment in your business; it’s an investment in your customers.

Join Aite-Novarica Group Strategic Advisor Trace Fooshee, AuthenticID Founder & President Blair Cohen, Union Bank Retired Director of Online Security Threats Ken Palla, and About Fraud Co-Founder & Fraud SME PJ Rohall as they discuss how leading companies are applying best practices and next-gen identity-proofing technology to obtain a winning balance between fraud management and customer experience.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Fraud mitigation strategies in each stage of the customer journey—from applications and new accounting to re-authentication
  • Mastering the concept of smart friction as a means to balance fraud and user experience
  • Tips for adopting a holistic, data-driven approach to fight fraud