Tuesday, June 25, 2024 | 10:00 AM EDT

Adapting Faster: Forging Resilience in Financial Services with Process Orchestration


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Change is constant in banking and financial services. New technologies are emerging, customer expectations continue to grow, and regulators are increasing scrutiny over both long-standing incumbent banks and digital natives alike. Given the sheer complexity and scale of the business and tech landscape inside these organizations, adapting faster and with less risk can be challenging.

What if you could turn regulatory compliance into a competitive advantage? Instead of treating each new change as a burden and cost of business, what would happen if you could leverage the moment to innovate, improve, and be ready for what’s next?

Join Datos Insights Strategic Advisor Vinod Jain and Camunda Field CTO Sathya Sethuranam for this webinar, where they will explore the trends impacting the industry and how smart organizations are able to capitalize on disruption through process orchestration.

After attending this session, you’ll learn practical tips for:

  • Getting business and tech on the same page to enable true cross-functional collaboration
  • Taming complex processes and integrating your existing technology stack to minimize disruption and reduce technical debt
  • Future-proofing your operations to adapt faster when inevitable changes arise

Join us to discover how rethinking your approach to compliance can be a powerful catalyst for agility, resilience, and innovation across your enterprise.