
Time for Action! Making the Business Case for Real-Time Payments

Real-time clearing and settlement, combined with robust messaging, offer modernization opportunities for banks. 

Boston, July 30, 2019 – The global importance and reach of real-time payments have had an impressive impact on the financial industry. In the U.S., The Clearing House introduced the RTP system in 2017 specifically for business-to-business use cases. But due to legacy processes and mindsets, and the complexity of integrating enterprise resource planning systems, use cases for business payments have been slow to mature. 

This report helps financial professionals understand how to build a focused business case for real-time payments by highlighting the importance of taking action, barriers that need to be addressed, how to evaluate the market opportunity, and the importance of internal and external education. It leverages data and information from a December 2018 survey of 85 financial professionals at 57 U.S. financial institutions, the Real-Time Payments for Corporate Clients Roundtable event held in Atlanta in August 2018, and a January through March 2018 survey of 20 of the top 60 U.S. banks. 

This 21-page Impact Report contains six figures and three tables. Clients of Aite Group’s Wholesale Banking & Payments service can download this report, the corresponding charts, and the Executive Impact Deck. 

This report mentions Ingo Money, Mastercard, PayPal, SWIFT, The Clearing House, Venmo, Visa, and Zelle (EWS). 

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