
The Buy-Side Perspective of Algorithmic Trading Development, 2020

The efficiency, consistency, and ease of use in transacting orders continue to resonate with traders.

Boston, November 10, 2020 – The toolbox of available e-trading choices has continued to evolve and bring a greater sophistication of offerings in 2020. Providers of algorithmic trading strategies are developing a bevy of new algos in addition to those that have become standard offerings, and market structure and asset class development are underpinning greater potential for algo adoption across asset classes.

This report provides insights into algorithmic trading, including the key market trends, algo provider selection criteria, and overall customer satisfaction for algo-related services. Based on data collected as part of The TRADE’s 2020 Algorithmic Trading Survey, it compares previous years’ survey results to 2020 results, highlights requirements going forward, and identifies how the algorithmic e-trading business is changing.

This 34-page Impact Report contains 24 figures and five tables. Clients of Aite Group’s Institutional Securities & Investments service can download this report, the corresponding charts, and the Executive Impact Deck.

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