
Portfolio Analytics in the Front Office: Buy-Side Vendor Partnerships Evolve

Past integrations existed, but the latest partnerships bring embedded risk capabilities to the next level.

Detailed risk assessment is increasingly becoming an integral part of the front-office investment process. Portfolio managers now seek to have immediate access to the very metrics they are evaluated on, recognizing their significance. As a result, the boundary between risk management and front-office functions is gradually blurring, leading to a more integrated approach to portfolio management.

This report covers the recent trend of investment teams adopting a more risk-focused approach to portfolio construction, selection, and monitoring, as well as the resulting partnerships that have formed between front-office system providers and traditional risk systems, which make this trend more widespread. It is based on direct interactions with the vendors involved with the partnerships from January to June 2023.

Clients of Datos Insights’ Capital Markets service can download this report.

This report mentions Amundi, BlackRock, Bloomberg, Deutsche Börse, Limina, MSCI, Qontigo, S&P Global Market Intelligence, and SimCorp.

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