
Large U.S. Financial Institutions: Retail Mobile Banking Abstract

The need for FIs to provide an outstanding mobile banking experience is clear.

Boston, March 12, 2020 – The banking industry is transforming on many fronts. Regulatory pressures, a focus on user experience, and growing consumer expectations around technology—especially mobile technology—are challenging FIs to evolve their strategies, prioritize their initiatives and investments, and alter their technology-buying behaviors. This Impact Report offers a high-level look at the retail mobile banking offerings from United States FIs with assets greater than US$10 billion.

This Impact Report leverages FI Navigator’s retail mobile banking data set from its proprietary banking vertical data and analytics platform, with a specific focus on digital channels and offerings. An excerpt of a more comprehensive analysis provided in partnership with FI-Navigator, it reviews the 129 U.S. banks and credit unions with assets greater than US$10 billion offering a retail mobile banking application and 16 vendors providing solutions over multiyear periods ending December 31, 2019.

This 30-page Impact Report contains 11 figures and 12 tables. Clients of Aite Group’s Retail Banking & Payments service can download this report, the corresponding charts, and the Executive Impact Deck.

This report mentions Alkami Technology, Bit Builders, D3 Banking (now part of NCR), First Data (now part of Fiserv), FIS, Fiserv, Jack Henry & Associates, Kony (now part of Temenos), Malauzai (now part of Finastra), MEA Financial, Monitise (now part of Fiserv), Mutual Mobile, MX, NCR Digital Insight, and Q2 Holdings.

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