
Fixed Income and OTC Derivatives Trading, Q3 2022: Behind the Numbers

The global bond market continues its tightrope walk.

December 7, 2022 – The OTC bond market has undergone a significant transformation over the past two years. The pandemic and its effects drove the fixed income market to digitize, and global and economic events have led to precarious market conditions: It is more important than ever to keep a finger on its pulse.

This Impact Report is the second in a series of reports tracking the expanding list of critical factors affecting the U.S. OTC fixed income and OTC derivatives markets. It utilizes qualitative and quantitative data from participant interviews, public trade data resources, proprietary Aite-Novarica Group estimates, and third-party statistics.

Clients of Aite-Novarica Group’s Capital Markets service can download this report and the corresponding charts.

This report mentions BGC Partners, Bloomberg, FIA, GFI Group, LatAm SEF, NEX Group, SIFMA, Tradeweb, Tradition Group, and Tullet Prebon ICAP.

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