
Establishing Solution Provider Relationships: General Principles


January 2020 – Including the right stakeholders, actively managing the selection process, and controlling contracting are key to establishing strong and productive relationships with technology solution providers. Carriers will need to focus on inter-departmental communication and work to present a united front.

This CIO Checklist provides a set of guidelines and principles that continue to apply to this critical area, even as innovation is driving more sophisticated, specialized data and technology solutions. These solutions are being offered in new ways and are changing faster than ever before. A carrier’s ability to select the right solution for both tactical and long-term needs, and to position for change, has never been more important.

The Checklist

  • Get the right people involved early
  • Define team member roles and constraints up front
  • Consider the use of third parties when needed
  • Implement an effective RFI/RFP process before moving to the demo or POC phase
  • Differentiate and prioritize requirements
  • Publicize and evangelize the importance of an effective contracting strategy
  • Recognize unique aspects of contracts for different services
  • Maintain leverage and options throughout the negotiation process
  • Manage the resulting relationships; don’t be managed by them

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