
Contextual Decision Intelligence: Raising the Bar of AML Detection and Investigation

The future of next-generation AML technology is now, and FIs cannot afford to wait.

Boston, August 20, 2020 – Every year, financial institutions devote massive amounts of time, money, and resources to prevent and detect money laundering, terrorist financing, and other crime. But traditional AML approaches and legacy rules-based monitoring are no longer enough. In order to more effectively address existing and emerging AML risks as well as manage the cost of compliance, AML leaders need data-driven and intelligent tools that can connect the dots in the data and empower more contextual financial crime detection and investigation.

Through a case study, this report explores how tools such as dynamic segmentation, entity resolution, network link analysis, and advanced analytics deliver greater risk coverage as well as efficiently and effectively disrupt crime. Sponsored by Quantexa, a global software and solutions company headquartered in London, it is based on interviews of executives from Quantexa and Standard Chartered about Quantexa’s technology and its recent deployment at Standard Chartered for the purpose of discovering insights associated with integrating next-generation AML technology.

This 23-page Impact Report contains two figures and four tables. Clients of Aite Group’s Fraud & AML service can download this report, the corresponding charts, and the Executive Impact Deck.

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