
Cloud Adoption in Capital Markets: A Far From Fluffy Subject

As the industry’s cloud technology skills mature, capital markets firms will find fewer reasons to balk at moving core systems to the cloud.

London, 30 May 2019 – Capital markets firms have gradually moved some functions into a cloud environment, but industrywide adoption overall has been a slow burn compared to other industries. Aite Group estimates that the majority of Tier-1 sell-side and buy-side firms have less than 10% of their total technology stack hosted in a public cloud environment. The smaller firms and the vendor community, however, are a different story.

This report investigates the factors and business cases that lead capital markets firms to adopt cloud technology—whether private, public, or hybrid—and charts the adoption journey for firms in all areas of the capital markets. It is based on an online survey that Aite Group conducted during Q4 2018 and Q1 2019, and on interviews with vendors that are active in the capital markets sphere as well as with 28 executives who have knowledge of the cloud technology adoption strategies at their capital markets firms.

This 28-page Impact Report contains 16 figures and one table. Clients of Aite Group’s Institutional Securities & Investments service can download this report, the corresponding charts, and the Executive Impact Deck.

This report mentions Amazon, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, and SAP.

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