
Artificial Intelligence in Wholesale Payments: Five Use Cases

A growing variety of vendors and platforms are putting AI capabilities within the reach of banks of all sizes.

Boston, July 11, 2019 – AI and machine learning are increasingly prominent technologies in the global wholesale payments space, but despite the hype, these technologies remain poorly understood by many. Nevertheless, their impact cannot be underplayed and, in the long term, will be felt as strongly in wholesale payments as in other areas of financial services.

This report provides an overview of the current state of AI and ML technologies in wholesale payments in 2019 and identifies the five primary use cases for AI technologies. It is based primarily on Aite Group’s briefings with North American banks as well as Aite Group’s 2019 survey of 16 globally active wholesale payment vendors regarding their AI capabilities and perceptions of demand for the technology.

This 34-page Impact Report contains seven figures and three tables. Clients of Aite Group’s Wholesale Banking & Payments service can download this report, the corresponding charts, and the Executive Impact Deck.

This report mentions, Accenture, Accion Chicago, ACI, Amazon, Apache, Apple, AWS, BAE Systems, Basware,, BillTrust, Bottomline, Brex,, CBA AS, Citi Treasury and Trade Solutions, Citigroup, Facebook, Feedzai, Fico, Finastra, Finn.AI, First Federal Bank of Kansas City, First National Bank of Omaha, FIS, Fiserv, Genpact, GitHub, Google, Hortonworks, HSBC, IBM, iGTB, Infosys EdgeVerve, Intellect Design Arena, JPMorgan Chase, Kasisto, MineralTree, NextIT, Nice Actimize, OCBC Bank, OpenWay Way4, Oracle, Payments Canada, Pelican, Regions Bank, Risk Ident, SAP, SAS, SEB, SWIFT, Temenos, ThetaRay, ThreatMetrix, and Upstart.

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