
Agency Marketing Tools for Personal Lines: Carrier and Third-Party Offerings

Insurance carriers have a vested interest in supporting the marketing efforts of their agents.

Most insurance carriers provide foundational marketing tools to their agents, but those providing advanced capabilities, such as marketing analytics and cross-sell/up-sell programs powered by data, enable carriers to differentiate their agent offerings. Empowering agents with the right mix of modern marketing tools and support allows carriers to strengthen agency distribution relationships and drive profitable growth.

This report provides an overview of the tools and services carriers offer to support agent marketing, as well as prominent third-party solutions available from customer relationship management vendors, marketing agencies, and marketing platform providers. Its findings are based on interviews with and requests for information from prominent providers, conversations with industry IT and marketing executives about technology needs and market gaps, and secondary research across public domain sources such as vendor websites and press releases.

This report profiles Agency Marketing Machine, Agency Revolution, AgencyZoom, Agent Methods, Blueshift, BrightFire, ConstantContact, EZLynx, GloveBox, InsuredMine, InsureIO, Levitate, Mailchimp, Radius, Stratosphere, and Zywave.

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