
2019 FX Technology Worldview: AI Is in Its Infancy for Trading

The percentage of trades executed by an electronic method each day has grown to 64% in April 2019.

Boston, December 17, 2019 – As FX trading activity reaches new highs year after year, both buy-side and sell-side market participants are motivated to improve trade efficiency and achieve best execution. While algorithms multiply, transaction cost analysis and pre-trade analytics are in demand to provide traders much-needed guidance. As the adoption of advanced technology continues, banks’ entries in the tech arena have become key differentiators in the battle for market share.

This Impact Report, one of a three-part series discussing trends influencing global FX markets, analyzes a variety of FX trading technology themes, such as the current state of electronic trading and technology innovation. It is based on interviews with 21 FX market participants and publicly available data published triennially by the Bank for International Settlements as well as semiannually reported jurisdictional data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Foreign Exchange Committee and the London Foreign Exchange Joint Standing Committee.

This 33-page Impact Report contains 11 figures and seven tables. Clients of Aite Group’s Institutional Securities & Investments service can download this report, the corresponding charts, and the Executive Impact Deck.

This report mentions 360T, Bank of America, Barclays, BestX, Broadway Technology, Bloomberg, CME Group, Deutsche Bank, Euronext, FXall, FXSpotStream, Hotspot FX, Integral, JP Morgan, LMAX Exchange, Refinitiv, State Street, Symphony, Tora Trading, and Virtu.

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