Susumu Suzuki

Head of Asian Operations

Steven Suzuki is the Head of Asian Operations at Datos Insights, focusing on business development in Asia. Steven brings to Datos Insights over 20 years of experience in the Japanese financial services and information technology industries through its acquisition of Solution Services Inc.

Steven founded Solution Services in New York in 2005. Based on a deep understanding of U.S. and Japanese financial industries, business practices, and culture, Solution Services provided unique research and consulting services on American business trends to Japanese clients, including major brokerage houses and large system-integration/communications companies. Prior to that, Steven worked in various management and business development positions at Nomura Research Institute (in Tokyo, London, and the San Francisco Bay Area) and CSK Software (formerly Micrognosys, in New York City). He started his career as a sales representative at IBM Japan.

Steven holds a B.A. in economics from Hitotsubashi University and is fluent in Japanese.