
The Rising Tide of Climate Data and Analytics Vendors

Demand for high quality climate data and analytics remains strong.

The climate data and analytics needs of investment firms continue to evolve as new products enter the market and regulatory reporting requirements expand across major financial jurisdictions. Third-party vendors of all shapes and sizes have flooded the market with solutions to meet this demand, creating an intertwined, crowded, and sometimes confusing vendor landscape.

This report is part of a series of research reports that focus on the use of ESG-related vendors and highlight the evolving vendor landscape and general market trends and challenges. ย It is based on qualitative interviews with leading providers of climate data and analytics to capital markets firms in addition to ongoing Datos Insights research on the role climateโ€•and to a larger extent ESG and sustainability data and analyticsโ€•play in the capital markets industry.

This report profiles Bloomberg, ICE Data Services, ISS ESG, LSEG, Moodyโ€™s, Morningstar Sustainalytics, MSCI, and S&P Global.

Clients of Datos Insightsโ€™ Capital Markets service can download this report.

This report mentions ย Alveo Technologies, Beyond Ratings, BlackRock, BNY Mellon, Burgiss, Carbon4 Finance, CDP, Clarity AI, Deutsche Borse, ESG Book, FactSet, FIS, FTSE Russell, GoldenSource, Iceberg Data Lab, JP Morgan, Refinitiv, RIMES, SIX, State Street, STOXX, Trove Research, and Yield Book.

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